What do you hate the Most about the Yankees ?


What do you hate the Most about the Yankees ?

  • The Fans

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • The Money

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • The Players

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • The Owner

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • The Titles

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters

New member
Mar 2, 2006
I respect Derek Jeter, but I also think he is an aloof and arrogant pompus ass.

Personally, I like Afraud more than I do Jeter. Would Derek Jeter really be this popular or considered so great if he played in Milwaukee?

Jeter, Kidd & Play and the 80's called they want their hair cut back.

The Yankees really don't have to do anything, when you sign players like Arod, Tex, CC, Burnett (82M), baseball has become a joke. I mean players like Burnett and Johnny Damon make more money than the KC Royals. Baseball needs NYY to be great, but in the interest of the sport, they need a salary cap, so other teams can be competetive. That is what makes the NFL great, is that Tennessee can compete with New York Jets/Giants, New England Patriots, Chicago. In baseball, you have to have 20 minor leauge Evan Longarias and better win it all within in their first 5 years in the bigs, or their are gone via free agency. I understand it is a free market, but sports is governed by different rules and as such, should create a better competetive balance.

Nov 21, 2006
Most of the players on this team are class acts. Anyone who votes players is just a total hater.

The only thing I really hate is the owner.

Dec 7, 2008
i respect derek jeter, but i also think he is an aloof and arrogant pompus ass.

Personally, i like afraud more than i do jeter. Would derek jeter really be this popular or considered so great if he played in milwaukee?

Jeter, kidd & play and the 80's called they want their hair cut back.

The yankees really don't have to do anything, when you sign players like arod, tex, cc, burnett (82m), baseball has become a joke. I mean players like burnett and johnny damon make more money than the kc royals. Baseball needs nyy to be great, but in the interest of the sport, they need a salary cap, so other teams can be competetive. That is what makes the nfl great, is that tennessee can compete with new york jets/giants, new england patriots, chicago. In baseball, you have to have 20 minor leauge evan longarias and better win it all within in their first 5 years in the bigs, or their are gone via free agency. I understand it is a free market, but sports is governed by different rules and as such, should create a better competetive balance.

Jan 17, 2007
I respect Derek Jeter, but I also think he is an aloof and arrogant pompus ass.

Personally, I like Afraud more than I do Jeter. Would Derek Jeter really be this popular or considered so great if he played in Milwaukee?

Jeter, Kidd & Play and the 80's called they want their hair cut back.

The Yankees really don't have to do anything, when you sign players like Arod, Tex, CC, Burnett (82M), baseball has become a joke. I mean players like Burnett and Johnny Damon make more money than the KC Royals. Baseball needs NYY to be great, but in the interest of the sport, they need a salary cap, so other teams can be competetive. That is what makes the NFL great, is that Tennessee can compete with New York Jets/Giants, New England Patriots, Chicago. In baseball, you have to have 20 minor leauge Evan Longarias and better win it all within in their first 5 years in the bigs, or their are gone via free agency. I understand it is a free market, but sports is governed by different rules and as such, should create a better competetive balance.

Jeter ??? Umm, I think you need to put the pipe down !!

I would give you Any of the other 39+ Players, because Jeter is not one of them.

New member
Jun 3, 2009
The fans are the worst. The worst are the announcers on tv and radio going nuts any time the Yankees do anything. I mean Joe Buck probably came in his pants a few times last night.

The players are fine but whoever said Jeter is a pompous ass is true. Fuck him.

New member
Nov 15, 2006
the money...the yankees bought the world series...and please don't start with the "that's the system we have blah, blah, blah...

I know it's the system we have. That doesn't mean I have to like it or the Yankees...

Nov 21, 2006
What are you guys watching? Jeter is the classiest player to ever play the game. Just the ultimate teammate who only cares about winning. In every interview, he always redirects the questions about himself to his teammates. He only thanks them and never gives himself credit. Even when he broke the Yankees hit record, he was more concerned about how they stopped play for him. If some of you guys don't see this you are obviously haters.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
What are you guys watching? Jeter is the classiest player to ever play the game. Just the ultimate teammate who only cares about winning. In every interview, he always redirects the questions about himself to his teammates. He only thanks them and never gives himself credit. Even when he broke the Yankees hit record, he was more concerned about how they stopped play for him. If some of you guys don't see this you are obviously haters.

There is a difference in being a great teammate and being an ass hole off the field.

Jeter has the personality of dry wall. When have you ever seen him do a sitdown interview or appear in any non-baseball related things and people go, why what a great guy. He comes across as a smug bastard.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
What are you guys watching? Jeter is the classiest player to ever play the game. Just the ultimate teammate who only cares about winning. In every interview, he always redirects the questions about himself to his teammates. He only thanks them and never gives himself credit. Even when he broke the Yankees hit record, he was more concerned about how they stopped play for him. If some of you guys don't see this you are obviously haters.

Really, a classy guy, why didn't he stick up for Aroid, the way he did the Giambino. Listen you can say whatever you like about Jeter, but Arod is a better player than Jeter and the numbers bare it out.

You think Jeter could move to 3B and play over there with that 3 feet of defensive range he has and that Chad Pennington type of arm.

New member
Jun 3, 2008
I don't mind at all that they spend the money. Its allowed and its part of the game. Sure it sucks for other small market teams who cant compete with them or who cant afford players but thats not the Yankees fault. I hate the Yankees for the same reason I hate the Red Sox. There are to many Yankee and Red Sox fans from cities that already have baseball clubs and its embarrassment. I just don't understand if your city has a team how you could pull for another cities team because that other city hates your fucking cities guts and could careless about you or your city. But still some fucking idiot people who aren't brought up right cheer for other cities even though their city has a franchise in place. Its unreal.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Where is the "all of the above" option on this damned poll?


I could go on and on, I just don't have the energy for it. I mean the &%@#$&*!! &^$%#@! Skanks just picked up a title so I am a bit zapped.

New member
May 15, 2007
I was debating between the fans or the money, but I'm thinking I hate the fan's arrogance because they know their club is loaded financially. So, it's because the same reason why I hate Chelsea, because the bastards bought themselves a champion. This drought was fun while it lasted though.

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